
Photography Classes - Video: Fashion Photoshoot Behind-The-Scene Time Lapse

Hello Everyone.

I'm excited to show you a behind the scene time lapse video of a photoshoot my company produces for their seasonal trend shoots. I was assign to be the videographer, so I decided to do both time-lapse and video of the shoot. You can see me with my camera with a telephoto lenses.

What you are seeing a team of essential people: Models, photographer, 2 photo assistants, digital technician, hair stylist, makeup artist, and wardrobe stylist. Other important people are the producer, client, merchant assistant, and videographer.


Photography Classes Lesson - Notes: How Much Will You Risk For Self Expression?

"I don't fear losing, the only thing I fear is not trusting my instinct. I know Ryu is not a strong character, if I wanted to win i could pick another character. I express myself during fighting and with Ryu I can fully express myself." 
- Daigo Umehara

Hello, everyone. I got a confession to make. Photography isn't my only true passion. I also love video game and the gaming community, especially Fighting game genres. Fighting game requires tactics like playing chess only in real time with a hair trigger twitchy reactions to execute counter and offensive moves. When played at the highest form of skill, few player's self expression comes out above the noise of best flow-chart tactics and top tier game characters. Hang with me for a minute, because I will tie fighting games to photography.